Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day 3 Sydney

Before sleep, just to test out a few pictures ;)

The Next Morning:
A new day has come!!!!

We went to Blue Mountain: AOI NO YAMA!!!
With My New friend- Snooty~
Stole Morni's friend ;P

This is Snooty :P
He is such a poser

There is actually a hidden village surrounded by the blue mountain !!!

Spider Woman, Spider woman~~

Look at the view... SO PRETTTYYYYYYyyyyy~~~

*peace out* *focus Fox* *F^^^ U*


This is the point where the GPS gave up on us and we got lead to a place and got lost ;P
Hahahaaa... we were searching for the three sister but we came to this place where there is no one but the view was absolutely fantastic!!!!

Tadaaaa!!!! Found the three sisters!!!!

Morni, who i scared of animal took a picture with the fake Wallaby!

Then we went for dinner in Paramatta!
Indian food FTW~~~~

The I ndianFood was TD4!!
Mango Lassi was just fantastic!!!!
Day 3 officially ended!

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