Friday, June 13, 2008

Turning point?

Just 9 minutes ago, i finish watching the movie- "SIGN"
through out the movie, the sentence, words that the casting mentioned keep my mind on the peak of tinking..

He said: " There are 2 types of people in this world, one, those who belief in there is always someone up there watching us, there is such thing called coincidence. Two, there is no one, and no one will be there when u needed help, u r on ur own. No coincidences, no faith, nothing, everything depends on u and only u. So, which type of person u r?"

The other man reply: " i believe in miracles, which is none of the 2 options."

I have been always believing in option 2, what the cast said really make me question about my way of thinking... what is coincidence? how do miracle happen?

This might be the point where i start to turn back and look at those options...
HHHmmmm... study study!!!
aza aza FIGHTING!!!!~~

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